cursordance | Lindsey Stirling - Shatter Me

replay: N/A this isn't osu!

'soon' has arrived!
So I've been a bit busy with adding my stuff to opsu!
This means this isn't made with osu!, it is a custom client.
~I'll make a video soon (hopefully also today) to show it and give you a place to download it :)~ SCRAP THAT, it's released :)

Remember when I said I wasn't going to do mirror collages? Me too.
Oops :)

Roundtable Rival - Lindsey Stirling

Roundtable Rival - Lindsey Stirling

A superb very hectic battle with your musical actress Lindsay Striling

In concert in the coming days in France, Lindsey Stirling unveils a new video clip. After "Master Of Tides" is the title "Roundtable Rival" always taken from his second album, Shatter Me, who finds himself boxed.
Roundtable River

The video (seen below) reveals a world "Western steampunk" where violinist duels against his opponent with the sound of his instrument.

As mentioned earlier this article, the artist is right now on a European tour to promote his second album released last April and September for France. Three dates are currently sold-out.